My Cell Phone Imprisoned Me
07/20 /2019, Nijmegen, Nederland I lost my 2 phones 4 days ago in the train when i fall asleep and of course i am so sad but i learn new lesson for every single thing that happened in my life. I am sad because i lost all contacts on my phones and can’t call family even friends but the real fact that make me more sad; “i can’t take pictures, i can’t update status on all of my social media, can’t upload photos” in other word can’t showing off my life to people on my social media and i forget to create some private space for my own. 4 days without phone bring me to get closer to people around me and that makes me realized how addicted i am to my phone. I trust myself as a good person for everyone around me but i just find that i am good as a reader on texts, care, show love, respect through “Emojis” on my cell phone which is i can send people cry emojis to show them that i feel them but the fact i might be laughing so hard for scrolling some memes on my cell p...