Find your right way to Move On

"Move on" a word that easy to say but difficult to do. You will get so many advice from friends about that word. "Just let him go you will be fine"!!!! According to urban dictionary Move on means " Jump out of the troublesome stuffs and go on with your life; Stop to go on making a happy living from all the pains that you had". Well all i need is Process... One day everything change, my days was gloomy. I couldn't eat, i couldn't sleep and keep wondering How could someone who told me he Loved me and cherished me just walk away? I remember waking up in the morning realizing i have got unfriend from all his social media and everything end just like that. I had a knot in my stomach and feelings of sadness and devastation engulfed me. Why did he do this to me,,, bla..blaa..blaaa... cry... keep asking to my self... then cry again and the circle keep going like that. I was searching for hope in the midst of my bleeding heart then i find...